Sclerotherapy in Al Ain | Thread Vein Removal Legs
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Sclerotherapy in Al Ain

Do you find yourself covering up your body parts due to unsighted veins? You are not alone in facing this condition because our body contains a lot of veins that sometimes get swollen and impact our appearance. Multiple treatment categories]iies are available to cure these veins but Sclerotherapy in Al Ain is the most effective option in which a desensitizing liquid is directly injected into a singular vein to m, modify its appearance.., The treatment was developed in 1920 and it is gaining popularity day by day with a lot of advancements. To get more information regarding sclerotherapy, read Forget and Achieve blemish-free skin with us right away!

Categories of Veins:

Different types of veins occur in our body due to various circumstances. Some common types are:

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are swollen, bulged, twisted cords situated beneath the skin surface. They are blue or purple and commonly appear in la#egas and feet due to uncontrolled pressure. Our leg veins are one-way valves that help blood flow back to the heart. When the valves become weak the blood pools in the veins causing them to enlarge and varicose. Some common side effects include aching burning, throbbing pain, and discoloration of the skin. 

Spider Veins:

Also referred to as telangiectasias, these are smaller web-like veins near the upper skin surface. The veins are found in multiple body parts so the candidates desire to eliminate them,m for cosmetic reasons There are no major complications associated with them but sometimes they indicate an underlying venous insufficiency

Sclerotherapy in Al Ain:

Sclerotherapy is the quickest relief path toward unpleasing veins. The procedure involves a 30-minute injectable process in which a chemical sclerosant is directly administered into the swollen veins. The agent obligates the vein, damages the inner lining of vessels, and blocks blood circulation. The injection converts the vein into a blood clot that gradually turns into a scar and then fades over time. Sclerotherapy can be taken for both cosmetic and medical reasons. In the case of persistent veins, the patient will feel pain for a few minutes, This is because of the dedication to pain.

Solutions used in Injections:

The type of solution relies on the size and category of the vein.  Basic solutions are:

  • Sodium Tetradecyl Sulphate (FIBRO-VEIN) 
  • Polidocanol (AETHOXYSKLEROL).

Who needs Sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is best suited for all candidates with specific vein conditions. The key groups that can benefit from it are:

  • Candidates with asymptomatic spider veins.
  • Patients with medium-sized varicose veins.
  • People experiencing chronic venous insufficiency.
  • Individuals seeking cosmetic improvement.
  • Athletes with active lifestyles.
  • A patient who cannot undergo surgical procedures.

Types of Sclerotherapy:

Below are the types:

Direct vision sclerotherapy: 

It is the most conventional treatment strategy in which a liquid agent is directly injected into the affected veins. The solution contains substances like hypertonic saline to treat small or medium-sized veins that are visible on the skin surface.

Ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy

This procedure uses ultrasound imaging to visualize veins that are located in deep internal tissues. Ultrasound provides real-time imaging that enables the expert to accurately inject the solution into the vein. It is best for recurrent veins or complicated venous anatomy. 

Catheter Directed Sclerotherapy:

This procedure involves the insertion of a catheter to deliver the sclerosing agent into the veins. It is used for the controlled delivery of solution along the entire length of the vein. The catheter is guided by imaging technologies for a more consistent vein closure. 

Foam Sclerotherapy:

Laser-Assisted Sclero therapy: The method combines laser with traditional sclerotherapy in which laser is used to heat the veins before injecting the liquid. Laser-assisted technique is best suited for smaller veins where traditional sclerotherapy becomes less effective. 

Cryo- Sclerotherapy:

Cryo therapy is a freezing treatment suitable for patients with a low main threshold. Cryosclerotherapy combines sclerotherapy with cryotherapy in which the sclerosing solution is frozen before injecting. This minimizes pain and enhances the effectiveness of the agent. 

Foam Sclerotherapy:

It is a kind of advancement in injections in which carbon dioxide gas is mixed with the sclerosing solution to create a foam. The foam displaces blood effectively, allows better contact with the bein wallas, and leads to a thorough vein closure. 

How Successful is it?

The success rate of sclerotherapy depends on a range of factors including the size and type of vein, the skills of the practitioner, and the post-treatment care of the patient. 

  • For spider veins, the success rate of this procedure is 80-90%. 
  • For small and medium-sized varicose veins, the success rate is 80 %.  
  • For large veins, the success rate is low so it is crucial to treat large varicose veins with a laser. 


The procedure includes the following phases:

Initial consultation:

The procedure begins with an initial consultation in which the health care professional will examine your veins, take a detailed medical history, and possibly perform an ultrasound to understand the severity and extent of the varicose veins. He will review your medical history to determine if you are ideal for the treatment or not. 

Pe-care instructions:

You may be given specific instructions before the procedure. Those include:

  • Wear loose trousers.
  • Skip moisturizer.
  • Do not shave.
  • Stop taking contraceptive pills or HRT.
  • Refrain antibiotics like  tetracycline or minocycline 
  • Bring a pair of shorts.

Procedure Day:

  • The doctor will lay you down on the examination table and elevate your legs. 
  • He will clean the treatment area with an antiseptic solution and then inject the scoring agent with a fine needle. 
  • The number of injections depends on the severity of veins. 
  • After delivering the injection, the expert will monitor your veins to ensure that the liquid is working properly. 
  • After the treatment, compression stockings can be worn right away to promote circulation and help with closure.
  • If the procedure involves laser or radiofrequency ablation, the treatment will include specific protocols.
  • Follow-up sessions and post-care meetings are placed accordingly.

Frequency of Sessions:

The number of sessions varies on 5rhe size and location of veins. 4 to 5 sessions are required because it is not recommended to inject the illiquid into every vein at one time. A single session tackles 20 to 25 minutes. 

Healing Process:

The recovery after this treatment is very convenient. The patient can resume their daily life activities within one day. 

Aftercare Instructions:

  • Wear compression garments.
  • Take a 20 to 30-minute walk right after the treatment.
  • Elevate your legs while sitting.
  • Walk 30 minutes daily.
  • Recontinue bathing after 2 weeks.
  • Avoid excessively warm or cold showers.
  • Keep the injection sites clean.
  • Do not apply hot compresses
  • Wash them with milf soap and water.
  • Do not get exposed to direct sunlight.

Minor Complications:

You will experience the below symptoms during your healing. But do not worry as they are normal during the recovery phase:

  • Mild discomfort like soreness or hardening of the area.
  • Darkening of veins.
  • Tender lumps.
  • Skin pigmentation.
  • Persistent matting.
  • Inflammation.

Note: Contact the doctor if you are noticing severe symptoms, pain, or a long period. 

Associated Charges:

The sclerotherapy Cost ranges between 800 to 1000 AED. The cost depends on the number of injections and some other factors including:

  • Type of solution.
  • Number of sessions.
  • Frequency of injections.
  • Experience of the doctor.
  • Location and reputation of the clinic. 

Why Choose Enfield Royal?

Choosing the right clinic is crucial to eliminating your veins without any complications. You can trust Enfield Royal Clinic as your partner in this journey. Our staff will evaluate your conditions and then provide you with the safest treatment plans. The qualities that set us apart are:

  • Extensive experience
  • Positive reviews.
  • Personalized treatment plans.
  • Affordable pricing.
  • Detailed consultations.

Erase your veins with us!

Whether you are seeking cosmetic enhancements or are frustrated by your vein disorders, book a consultation with us right away for the best Scleerptherapy in Al Ain. We are here to assist you in each phase. 


This is a minimally invasive procedure so it treats surface-level veins. Laser treatments are used to cure deep veins. 

Maintain a healthy lifestyle and walk regularly to avoid recurrence. 

Smaller varicose veins got eliminated after a single session but large veins require 3 to 4 sessions. 

Wear compression garments for 9 to 10 days. Remove them frequently according to your expert's recommendations.

Our Doctors

Dr. Samar Goda
Dr. Samar Goda


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Dr. Ahmed Naji

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

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Aesthetic Dermatologist

Dr Louis
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Consultant Plastic Surgeon

dr hany chidiac

Dr. Hany Chidiac


Dr. Kadir

Dr. Kadir Koray

Endoscopist Surgeon

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Fatima AlBarashidi
Fatima AlBarashidi
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Rabia Adnan
Rabia Adnan
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Shahzeb Zaidi
Shahzeb Zaidi
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I recently got my hair transplant done from Enfield Royal in Abu Dhabi. I must say that the team of technicians were highly skilled and comforting. I would like to thank Joan and Maryam for the great hairline and grafts that they implanted.


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